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Red Light Therapy 

Our red light therapy sessions available in Henderson and Glen Eden, West Auckland use a full length light panel that produces red and near infrared light and feels like the warmth of the sun on your skin. It provides a range of health benefits as the concentrated light wavelengths penetrate your tissues, stimulates cellular change and enables the mitochondria to produce more energy in the cells, which has a flow on effect for boosting health. 


Our sessions are not only relaxing but also effective in supporting skin health, reducing pain and inflammation, improving sleep, supporting injury recovery and recovery from chronic illness, relieving stress and tension and treating seasonal effective mood disorders.​​


  • Stimulate energy within the cells to support healing from chronic illness

  • Reduce inflammation and pain: increase mobility and relieve pain from Arthritis Joint Pain, Fibromyalgia, and other Musculoskeletal Disorders

  • Improve skin health with increased collagen production, reducing the appearance of aging

  • Supporting skin healing for skin conditions including scars, acne and blemishes, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea

  • Improve muscle recovery after workouts (DOMs - delayed onset muscle soreness)

  • Injury rehabilitation – stimulating, healing, and regenerating damaged muscle tissue

  • Reduce hair loss 

  • Wound healing to minimize scarring

  • Supporting relaxation and boosting mood

  • Supporting weight loss, through the greater efficiency of the cells to break down fat

Ailments treated by RLT.png

Conditions that have been shown to be successfully treated using photobiomodulation therapy (1).

Liebert, Ann et al. “A Potential Role for Photobiomodulation Therapy in Disease Treatment and Prevention in the Era of COVID-19.” Aging and disease vol. 11,6 1352-1362. 1 Dec. 2020, doi:10.14336/AD.2020.0901

It's beneficial to combine osteopath, acupuncture or massage treatments with red light therapy to enhance healing and muscle relaxation. At Waitakere Health Hub we offer 10 minutes of red light therapy after another treatment session for $20.


You can also combine infrared sauna with red light therapy to maximise the relaxation, detoxification, healing and weight loss benefits. We offer 10 minutes of Red light with a 30 minute sauna for $75

What to expect 

Sessions are 20 minutes of treatment with a full length red light therapy unit for you to stand or sit in front of. 


The light wavelengths need to be exposed to bare skin so we offer a private room with adjacent bathroom and complimentary water and electrolytes are provided.


When using red light therapy you will feel warm, but not sweat like in a sauna, so afterwards you can dress and carry on your day as usual. 


While you may notice some immediate effects such as relaxation, improved mood, better circulation or some reduction in pain, the majority of benefits come from regular use. It is commonly used 3-4 times a week, with greater benefits from daily use and we have a discounted concession available for 3 sessions a week. 


See our prices and more concession information. 


If you are looking at buying a red light therapy unit for your home check out this

More information 

1. Liebert A, Bicknell B, Markman W, Kiat H. A Potential Role for Photobiomodulation Therapy in Disease Treatment and Prevention in the Era of COVID-19. Aging Dis. 2020 Dec 1;11(6):1352-1362. doi: 10.14336/AD.2020.0901. PMID: 33269093; PMCID: PMC767384

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