Wellness Session Information | Inside Matters
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Wellness Session information 

Red Light Therapy Session Information

Red light therapy (RLT) uses specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to stimulate healing, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. It is most beneficial to expose your whole body to the light, however, please leave your lower underwear on for hygiene purposes. 

The red and near infrared light releases some heat and so you will feel a warming sensation, but it is not hot, will not burn you or make you sweat. During your session you can listen to your own music, meditate, or just relax and be present feeling the sensations of warmth. 

Combining red light therapy with an infrared sauna exposes your body to more different therapeutic wavelengths, creating a full spectrum experience and maximising the benefits to your health and wellbeing. 

RLT Safety

These wavelengths of generally light are safe for your eyes, however if you are sensitive to light, you can ask us for some sunglasses or goggles or close your eyes.


If you have a disease that involves the retina of the eye, such as diabetes, are taking photosensitizing medications (including antibiotics), have skin cancer, or are sensitive to light please consult your trusted medical professional before using RLT.

Using citrus essential oils on your skin before red light therapy is also not recommended as many citrus oils cause photosensitivity. Please also take care in the sun for the hour following red light therapy a your skin may be more sensitive to sunlight. 


As concentrated forms of light wavelengths from the sun, without the UV rays, red light therapy is safe for pregnancy and breast feeding, however please consult with your medical professional if you have concerns. 


If you have any of the following, please discuss this with your health provider before doing red light therapy. 


☐ Epilepsy/Seizures

☐ Sensitivity to light

☐ Skin Cancer
☐ Any disease that involves the retina of the eye

☐ Undergoing Chemotherapy
☐ Taking photosensitising medication (medication that makes you sensitive to sunlight)

Infrared Sauna Session Information 

Infrared sauna uses infrared heat technology that sends heat waves directly into the body, heating the tissues and causing a sweat.


It is best to wear a swimsuit or lower underwear and for hygiene reasons we ask you to wear at least lower underwear, so its good to bring a spare pair or underwear for afterwards. Its best to expose as much of your body as possible to the infrared rays emitted from the black panels in the sauna.


We provide shower towels, seat and wipe towels for hygiene reasons and the sauna and shower are cleaned between sessions.

Infrared Sauna Safety 

It is important to drink lots of water and shower after your sauna to wash the toxins away from your skin. Do not use a sauna after drinking alcohol or if you are dehydrated.

If you have a heart condition, MS, diabetes, hemophilia, a fever, or are taking blood thinners or medications that
could be affected by increased circulation (such as transdermal patches) please consult your doctor before using a sauna.


Sauna is also not recommended during pregnancy and can be safe to use for children with very limited session times.

Saunas can lower your blood pressure, so if you have low blood pressure, please ensure you are well hydrated and use electrolytes or salt in your water. It is important to listen to your body. If you feel lightheaded, nauseous, or start to get a headache, turn the sauna off, rest and take a cool shower.

Infrared Sauna Safety 

If you have any of the following, please discuss this with your health provider before doing infrared sauna. 

☐ Pregnant or breastfeeding

☐ Infectious disease
☐ Epilepsy/Seizures

☐ Diabetes

☐ Skin Cancer
☐ Heart condition

☐ Hemophilia
☐ Multiple Sclerosis

☐ Undergoing Chemotherapy

☐ Taking blood thinners

☐ Have silicone implants 

If you have a chronic illness such as ME/CFS, Long COVID, or another chronic condition you may want to start sauna slowly and build up your tolerance. Please speak with us about shorter treatment session options.

More information on sauna and red light therapy is available here

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